Bonanza Kreep is an online service that automatically calculates indicators and compares cryptocurrency pairs in real time
  • ~ 400 trading pairs from two largest trading platforms - Binance and Huobi — displayed in smart-list mode
  • main indi ators: change, CCI, RV3, Divergence, Level
  • instant noti i ations rom the ot: prompt ad ustment of indicators of changes in the market
  • What was done
    We have developed a ersonal Account where the user can set indicator parameters and con igure events to instantly receive noti ications from the telegram bot All information is displayed on one screen you no longer need to create pivot tables open several parallel tabs and switch between charts to assess market luctuations The user can much faster:
    • obtain the necessary data and current market information
    • make a decision to buy sell cryptocurrency
    Onvenient payment system with subscription option tari selection and trial period Thanks to the tradingview chart in addition to the main indicators the user gets access to data such as margin daily volume ast rice etc In the short term:
  • Adding new cryptocurrency pairs and parallel display of multiple charts to compare them. This will allow the user to quickly and clearly assess the market situation
  • Technologies
    Payment systems
    Complex data through APIs
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