A search portal that helps you find sports professionals and book consultations with specialists
The system allows you to initiate communication or to publish a request and choose from the responding candidates. Each registered athlete or trainer has the opportunity to seek help from the portal’s specialists and receive scientific and methodological advice
The service also contains information about upcoming sports conferences. The front end of the platform was developed using Vue.js + Vuex, and the Laravel framework was chosen for the back end. Electronic payment processing was implemented through the Stripe API. Bookings and online schedules of trainers are updated in real time using the WebSocket protocol
Project results:
11 hundreds of coaches in 11 different specializations
Now it is the Largest Database in the world of Sports Conferences
What was done
A modern, responsive design and a logoThe ability to sign in as an athlete/coach/specialist/conference organizerThe logic of creating a request, submitting it and choosing a specialistNotifications by email regarding a change of statusBoards of the requests, with convenient searching and filteringPayments through the site via Stripe
High load
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